Monday, August 8, 2011

miniHOWTO: Install FC14 in a Headless Server

I was trying to install a desktop centric Linux Distro like FC14 into a ATCA Blade based on intel. I and My co-worker tried to install as mentioned in my previous post.
FC14 did install but with minimal packages. It did not have basic utils like ftp. Need less to say, yum did not work. I let him work on it and crack it, which he did over a Sunday afternoon.

Following was his report:


OS:- FC14x86_84

Mode of Installation:- Serial Console ( Using Minicom for installing ) and USB-DVD.

First boot the system using DVD drive and when the installation menu comes press Tab for editing the input commands. Then type,

linux console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 ( Enter)

After installation I assigned an IP and issued the command yum update I had to face to problem like yum was not working and I was getting the Error,

[root@localhost~]# yum update

Error Cannt retrieve repository Metadata ( respond.xml) for Repository:Fedora. Please verify its Path and try again.

Then I Google and found out some solution,

Problem was with the Python, it does not handle https proxy well. So I change all the https present in *.repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d/ to http

Here’s the way to do it… edit your repository files /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo and /etc/yum.repos.d and /fedora-updates.repo by commenting all the lines starting with term mirrorlist and uncommenting all the lines starting with term baseurl.

After that my yum started working fine for me.

Referenece URL:-

Thanks: S.Dhananjaya.